(2013-09-22 7:04 AM)
I agree with much of this post. Shaman are much more even than most classes and huertns are probably the most uneven of the lot. Nearly all classes get a considerable boost at level 10. The hunter would be nearly unplayable beyond that if pets arrive to help out.The quests you mentioned are difficult for most classes but since they fall right in the middle of the weakest stage they are significantly harder for them. Try and find another person to complete them with.Its a bit of a misconception that totems (or even hunter and lock pets) are extra help . they are factored in to your classes playability. Rogues and Warriors have their tricks, as well as better melee DPS. Pallies have armor and healing, mages have obscene DPS and a few escape tricks. It is all remarkably well balanced considering the large amount of choice in gear, talent spec and class skills that are available.All classes are fun but my preferences are rather clearly demonstrated in my other post here huertns and locks by a long way.If you want to create a few more alts, come visit me on (horde). a lowbie pallie and warrior that could use some help!While talking about grouping, its mentioning that a good group that works together sharing quite a few quests is an effective levelling strategy. I often hear that its clearly better to work solo if you are in a rush to level. Not so. In a good group, working efficiently on the same set of quests, you can get as much exp / hour as soloing. The key [...]